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     STROKES,   kudos,     applause,     laudation,  raves,   aka - wonderful things my clients say about ...........  M E

Bri DivelyCreative Communications Group logo

I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Sabrina Dively since 1996. During these 18 years, I have found Sabrina’s work to be superb as it is built upon the highest level of competency, creativity and passion for the job.

One of Sabrina’s greatest assets is her ability to effectively weave a compelling design into the editorial product.

Sabrina understands deadlines and has never failed to deliver when due. Her work on Air Cargo World has played an integral role toward the publication’s esteem and worldwide popularity.


 — Steve Prince, Publisher


Sabrina is a very creative and conscientious designer.

She is always full of ideas about how to develop eye-catching and appealing magazine pages.

She is patient, yet quick when she needs to be.

She is one of the best art directors that I have worked with during my career and I highly recommend her for any design project.


 — John McCurry, Editor, Air Cargo World Magazine



One of my first assignments after joining the U.S. Department Office of Inspector General was to produce the agency’s Semiannual Report to Congress. The high-profile assignment had a tight deadline. I called Central Communications, and Sabrina rose to the challenge. She was able to identify photos and graphics to accompany the narrative and feature articles and meet our congressionally-mandated deadlines.

I was so pleased with the end product that I used Central Communications for several years.


— David Barnes, Former Director of Communications, Office of Inspector General , U.S. DOT OIG 



“To Sabrina Dively,

yet again, for getting inside my head and capturing

the bugs of Bug World

so beautifully." 


— Jeanette Adkins, Author


Last Word

Maybe nobody ever would know which butterfly had helped grow the flowers and plants; what eunoia elevated the fruit.

But everyone would see the garden as it became a little prettier each new day.




Bri Dively


Dont forget to connect with me on Instagram and  LinkedIn

Creative Communications Group
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